MyDraw Forum

Translation of user interface into german

By Ulrich Thoma - 2/14/2018

Hello, I am Ulrich, a german user of MyDraw. I am very new to MyDraw. But I like this program.
My first thought was: Where is the german UI?
So I started to translate the UI. Are there any other german user who like to help to translate the UI?


meldet euch. Vielleicht können wir uns die Übersetzung teilen, dann wäre es für jeden nicht so viel und wir kämen schneller ans Ziel.
Also bis demnächst

By MyDraw Support - 3/7/2018

Hello Ulrich,
With the latest v2.1.0, the installation comes with German dictionary for the user interface. Users can now switch MyDraw to use German UI from the File menu -> Options : Application tab - Language

You will have to restart the application for the changes to take effect.