Four Basic Types of Chemical Reactions Template

This is a Four Basic Types of Chemical Reactions template that can be used in Chemistry class to present visually the reactions. The template is customizable with a few drags and drops in MyDraw.

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Four Basic Types of Chemical Reactions

Basic terminology

Reactants- are compounds that react to produce new ones.

Products- these are the result of newly formed compounds after interaction with other compounds.

Chemical equation- it is a mathematical statement that presents the formation of a product from the reactants.

Reaction rate- the speed index at which the reactants are transformed into products.

The Four Basic Types of Chemical Reactions with examples

Synthesis Reactions- in this type of reaction the elements are joined together.

  • A + B = AB
  • 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O

Decomposition Reactions- a compound breaks into parts.

  • AB = A + B
  • 2H2O = 2H2 + 02

Single Replacement Reactions- a single element replaces an element in a compound.

  • AB + C = AC + B
  • Zn + 2HCI = H2 + ZnCI2

Double Replacement Reactions An element from each of the two compounds switch places.

  • AB + CD = AC + BD
  • H2SO4 + 2NaOH = Na2SO4 + 2H2O

Interesting facts about chemical reactions

  • The molecule of substances remains the same, whereas the mixtures and the solutions are completely different from the chemical reactions.
  • Chain of reaction is when a set of reactions happens due to one.
  • The movement of the 3 small bones in the ear is caused by vibrations of the ear drum.
  • More than 100,000 chemical reactions occur per second in our brains.
  • The mixture of baking soda and vinegar produces carbon dioxide gas.
  • The amount, quality, and mass remain the same in a chemical reaction.

How to create a template for the Four Basic Types of Chemical Reactions in MyDraw?

  1. Edit the ready-made template or open a “Blank Drawing” file to create your own.
  2. When you open a document in MyDraw a set of Basic and Connector shapes are loaded. You can choose from them and make the template.
  3. Also, from Library Gallery> ClipArt, you can select and browse through a variety of shapes you would like to use.
  4. From Library Gallery use the search library to find more shapes, suitable for your template.
  5. Once you have checked and marked the shapes, they will be loaded on the left side of your drawing panel.
  6. Drag and drop the shapes you would like to use into the drawing.
  7. Use the connector tools to arrange your diagram.
  8. To add fill, you can edit the Geometry Fill and Stroke from the Ribbon.
  9. In the Ribbon, you can select the Design tab to choose from a variety of shape styles and theme colors.
  10. Save the document in one of MyDraw’s native formats or export it in a preferred file format (PDF, SVG, EMF, VSDX, etc.).
  11. You can also export the document as a raster image.